Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain

Pain at first glance may feel like a nuisance, however acute pain serves as an important warning mechanism that alerts us that something is not right. As a result of this normal reaction we would quickly address the problem, and seek medical attention if required. Chronic pain however remains long after the stimulus for the pain has gone, and so serves no function. Chronic pain is classed as an Invisible Disability and may be part of conditions including:

Many studies have been carried out internationally on the topic of pain, and have shown that hypnotherapy can be used effectively as a tool in the management of chronic pain. As a result Hypnotherapy can help to relax the client and adjust their pain threshold. As it is a natural therapy with no side effects, it may be worth trying

How Stress Can Affect Us

The same scenario can affect different people differently. This occurs as different stress triggers and thresholds operate for different individuals.
When we are overloaded by stressful situations this can result in multiple harmful effects, and even paralyse us into doing nothing.
seffects of stress can include unwanted mental and physical sensations including:

What You Can Do

In modern life it is almost impossible to avoid stress.
In small amounts stress can be beneficial, it can help us to perform better and give us the push we need to take necessary action. How we handle stress as individuals is crucial to our wellbeing and long term health. Relaxation is one of the simple pleasures of life that also is crucial to our health and well-being.


Help Is At Hand

Lakshmi Hypnotherapy Details 

The Benefits Of Relaxation

In modern life it is almost impossible to avoid stress.
In small amounts stress can be beneficial, it can help us to perform better and give us the push we need to take necessary action. How we handle stress as individuals is crucial to our wellbeing and long term health. Relaxation is one of the simple pleasures of life that also is crucial to our health and well-being.



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